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core toの例文


  • i'm going into the core to manually insert those rods .
    俺は手動で燃料棒を コアに入れてくる
  • let us be heard from red core to black sky .
    轟かそう 熱い地底から 暗黒の空まで
  • yes , sir . now if you'll excuse me , sir , i have a warp core to prime .
  • is core to their duty
    主要な義務になっている と信じています
  • core to their duty .
    彼らの義務のコアだ というのです
  • from my hand , i send sky core , wise core and ground core to the cemetery ...
    手札のスカイコア ワイズコア グランドコアを 墓地に送り
  • from my hand , i send sky core , wise core and ground core to the cemetery ...
    手札のスカイ・コア ワイズ・コア グランド・コアを 墓地に送り
  • and they all , uh , relate to certain things that are sort of core to the nsa mission .
    これらはそれぞれ NSA の職務の 核心と結びついています
  • and they all , uh , relate to certain things that are sort of core to the nsa mission .
    これらはそれぞれ nsa の職務の 核心と結びついています
  • fitted with 18inchthick steel reinforced walls with a insulated copper core to protect against thermal lance .
    45cmの補強された鋼の壁 それを集束熱から守る 絶縁された銅コア
  • although it is not inappropriate to blame him for the fact that there are incomparably less green in tokyo than london , new york , or paris , we can not overlook his error that the aspects to unify a local community , the core to solve urban problems , were destroyed by the person who was describing himself as professional of self-government , yet in reality simply followed the fashion of the day .